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Heart, Hands, & Hard Work

Hey, I’m going to give you an inside look at our Leadership meetings here at FWH HQ.

Why? You may ask. Simple—

One of these meetings led to a huge breakthrough on what it means to be one of The Few.

You’ll love it, so I’ll keep it short and jump right in.

Drew, Breanna, Bedros, and I start every Leadership meeting with what’s called the “segue”.

It’s a 5-minute window where we each call out 1 personal win and 1 professional win from the past week.

Typically, I am very prepared for the segue…

But, this one fateful day, I was not. I’m far from perfect, and I dropped the ball on having a personal win ready to share.

My life happened to be super hectic at the time, and, truthfully, I was struggling to find a win amongst all of the adversity.

When it was my turn in the segue, I had no choice but to “freestyle” my personal win.
What I shared startled me.

It was raw and genuine.

It leapt out of me like a caged animal that had been ricocheting inside of my chest for months.

“For my personal win, I’m just really grateful to do what I love with who I love —

An entire community of people who are all heart, hands, and hard work.
Every single day. No excuses.”, I said.

You could hear a pin drop on the Zoom.

Then, everybody nodded firmly and slowly in approval.

Next, a serious look of “now let’s hunt” fell across our faces… and we got to work.

After the meeting, I realized that we captured the essence of The Few in that moment:

The 3 things that remain when we strip away all of our “earthly” non-essentials,

The 3 things that we use to transform our traumas into our triumphs,

The 3 things that are the true building blocks of The Few:

Heart, Hands, & Hard Work.

The Few may use our hands for different types of hard work—

But all of our hearts pump the same sincere love for doing it.

Every morning since that meeting, especially when times are trying, I remind myself of this phrase—

So it was more than fitting that we brought it to life as gear for The Few.

HHHW releases tomorrow, 3/7. FWH RISE members have access now.

With all heart and hard-working hands,


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