Hold The Door
::: Slam! :::
Then 10 seconds later…
::: Slam! :::
Then again, 15 seconds later…
::: Slam! :::
No, I wasn’t listening to the Onyx song…
I was witnessing multiple people let a coffee shop door slam on those behind them yesterday.
As my frustration mounted, this life lesson hit me like a slammed door:
Hold doors open for others, and watch doors be held open for you.
Read that again— think deeply about it. You’ll realize it means that you rise when you lift others. Said differently…
“To get, give.”
This is indisputable. That’s why it’s Rule No. 2 of The Few:
Rule No. 2
To get, give.
Always extend your giving hand first.
With anything, give first. With everything, give your all. Let a fire of passion rage in your servant heart. Give without remembering and receive without forgetting.
See, we tend to think that our giving needs to be big and momentous.
Truth is, it’s the small moments of giving that ripple through the world, raise its standard, and, ultimately, reciprocate.
So hold the door—
You never know what will happen next.
Let’s be of service today,