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Article: Turn


Hey, the past year has been pretty crazy for me…
I’m sure it has been for you too, my friend.
Life has been a mix of difficulty and opportunity.
Through it all, I learned this one essential thing:
It can turn.
See, life moves in a cycle like the weather. 
Its difficulties, the storm, are always followed by its opportunities, the sun.
Its opportunities, the sun, are always followed by difficulties, the storm.
And the cycle continues.
This is unbeatable.
This is natural.
This IS life.
I don’t know what the weather is like for you today,
But I want you always to remember this:
It can, and it will, turn.
If you’re in the storm, you’ll be out of it soon. Think calm. Poise.
If you’re in the sun, you’ll be out of it soon. Think chaos. Prepare. 
I am by your side with The Few, no matter the weather.

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