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Article: 3 The Hard Way (Avoidance)

3 The Hard Way (Avoidance)

Talons out, Eagle!
I posted this thought yesterday, and it hit our fellow Eagles like a freight train:
“The acceptance you’re seeking is in the hard work you’re avoiding.”
This is a truth I learned way too late in life—
And, like most late learning, I learned it the hard way.
You may think that avoidance is just simple procrastination as I did…
But it is not.
Avoidance is the one thing that undermines the acceptance, respect, and love that we naturally seek as humans.
It has a dark underbelly that I don’t want you to see or feel—
So, for this week’s 3 The Hard Way, let’s talk about avoidance.
1. The Quick from me:
NOTHING creates anxiety quite like avoidance does. 
When you use your snooze button to avoid waking up,
When you use worthless distractions to avoid your to-do list,
When you use alcohol and drugs to avoid the pain of your past—
All you are doing is accruing anxiety.
There is good news, though—
You already have the antidote.
The antidote to anxiety is action.
As soon as your avoidance births anxiety, kill it with your action.
No matter how imperfect your action, it will always win the war against your anxiety.
Today, be aware of your avoidance and apt to your action.
Always act early, and always act often.
2. The Quote from counselor and author Craig D. Lounsbrough: 
Pain is the thing that I am most desperate to avoid, yet if I have any hope to grow, it is the thing that I most desperately need.
3. The Question for you today:
What item on your to-do list has been rolling to the next day— day after day and week after week?
Make today the day it dies.
Talk soon,
I have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you coming very soon—
It’s your chance to join me as we continue to grow our Community… 
And build the next Great American Company.
Standby, Eagle.

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