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Article: Hunted, or Be Hunted

Hunted, or Be Hunted

I turned another year older this weekend.

When my eyes opened on the morning of my birthday, these two sentences thrust themselves into my mind:

Hunters focus on hunting. Prey focus on hunters.

I quickly sat up. It was time to get to work.

Reflecting on my decades on this spinning rock, I realized this fact:

Winners focus on the work, while losers focus on the winners.

See, I’m never focused on what the other guy or gal is doing.

I’m never focused on why they did what they did. I’m never focused on what they have—

Because if I focused on those things, my dreams and ambitions would fall prey to them.

Instead, I seek the work. Then, I do the work. Regardless of how I feel.

I hunt.

Eagle, I know you’re a hunter too…

So today, be eagle-eyed and prey-seeking.

Do not allow your dream to fall prey to a comfortable paycheck, another person’s opinion, a worthless distraction, or a temporary setback.

Time is ticking away.

Hunt, or be hunted.

Stop watching.

Start working.

The Few are alongside you.


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