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Article: Remember & Reframe

Remember & Reframe

When I was 12, I wrote my first line of code.

That moment started my programming career,

But it also started something BIGGER —

It started my life as a process-driven thinker.

Throughout my life experience, I’ve developed over 75 ways of processing my thoughts and emotions…

To turn them into action and results.

I call them “mental frameworks” —

They’re effective life strategies that I’ve neatly compiled into simple steps —

So I can quickly deploy them against my obstacles at a moment’s notice.
FRAMEWORKS for WORK, if you will!

I use these frameworks to overcome traumas, start businesses, scale businesses, parent well, eat right, train hard… you name it…

They’re effective against life’s minor mishaps and earth-shattering events.

Today, I want to share one with you…

Because TODAY is the most important day of your week.


It's Saturday and, statistically, most people quit today.

They quit on their diet.

They quit on their training.

They quit on their dream.

I don’t want that for you,

So here’s my mental framework to quit… quitting.

I call it “R&R” —

But there’s no rest and relaxation here.

When you’re faced with an obstacle,

Take these two steps quietly and immediately:

1) REMEMBER where you came from.

Remember, there’s a past version of you out there that never thought you’d be here.

You came from worse, and you overcame worse.

This version of you is proud of your progress,

Confident in your capability,

And it KNOWS you will overcome your obstacle.

2) REFRAME where you’re going.

You aren’t heading toward failure… you’re rising toward opportunity.

Reframing isn’t about denying your obstacle exists —

It’s about defining your obstacle as what it truly is:

An opportunity for GROWTH.

It’s a leap toward meeting the other version of you that’s out there —

Your future self.

This version of you KNOWS that overcoming is your path to becoming… exactly who you are meant to be.

Keep R&R in your front pocket this week.

When your obstacle appears, let my framework precede your work —

And let me know your results!

Yours in hard work,


P.S. Wearing my favorite FWH tee on my back always helps me remember who I am and who has my back! Don't have one yet? Use my code JOEYSHIPSFREE and I'll ship yours to you for free.

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