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Article: Invest in America (July 4th)

Invest in America (July 4th)

Hey, Eagle.
It’s been 5 days since July 4th, and most Americans’ freedom-loving selves have retired until next July…
And that’s a disaster.
Look, everybody is a freedom-loving American on July 4th… but I can’t help ask myself this:
What if we were like that every day?
Would we have more resources to support the mental health of our fellow Americans?
Would we have better candidates on both sides of the aisle that truly serve Americans instead of their own agendas?
Would we have an economy that stabilizes and strengthens our homes, neighborhoods, and cities?
Would we have a lower unemployment rate, lower crime rate, and lower national debt?
Would we be freer, happier, and tougher overall?
The answer is yes. Yes, we would.
Because if we loved America and its freedom that much each and every day, we’d invest in America each and every day.
See, what we invest in thrives. And what we don’t… dies.
This is a natural law. It is unbeatable.
So, today, remember how you felt on the 4th. Turn that feeling into action. Commit to invest in America.
1. Speak your mind freely as an American should.
2. Stand tall with Americans that are grateful for freedom, doing gritty hard work, and genuinely serving others.
3. Support American-owned and operated small businesses that employ Americans and provide American-made products.
Use your words, your work, and your wallet to be the change you want to see in our country.
We are the problem and we are the solution.
It is our responsibility.
And I am beside you.
You can still take 50% off your third tee or rash guard when you buy two with codes 50OFFTEE and 50OFFRASHGUARD. Ends 7/11.

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