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The dumbest thing you'll ever read

“This is by far the dumbest sh—t I’ve ever read”
I squinted at my laptop to read this reply, a stoic expression on my face.
Every so often, I send out a positive e-mail… and receive a negative one back.
Some guy, who will rename nameless, sent me this in response to my frozen cat e-mail.
Look, I know that not all my e-mails will resonate with everybody every time. We’re “The Few” for a reason. And I’m human. This ain’t AI.
I’m also aware that this dude was probably just having a bad day, and I was an easy virtual target to release some aggravation. It's cool. I’ll calmly play my role.
But if you read Tuesday's e-mail, this is a perfect case in point.
What am I doing right now? I’m sending you a positive e-mail. Regardless of his opinion. I do what I ask you to do.
I do me, which means finding meaningful lessons in each moment of my life (yes, even seeing a frozen cat) and sharing them with you.
Why? Because we all (including me) need the reminders.

The world will have you thinking it wants to beat you down into the dirt, but, in reality, it wants you to win.
And so do I.
If I stopped sending that e-mail after this dude’s reply, these beautiful moments would not have happened:

“Thank you for this one! It hit home.. I’m under a lot of stress at the moment and just trying to figure out direction and decisions.”
“Thank you for this timely reminder.  I needed this today.”
“This made my day. Thank you for the message.”
And many more.
So, again, this is a reminder to DO YOU.

You never know who you’re helping pass through their darkness as you do.
Shine your light so that others can begin to live in theirs.
We may only have today…  so let’s make it great.

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Frozen Cat

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