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Article: Meet Nick K.: Convicted Felon at 13

Meet Nick K.: Convicted Felon at 13

Last Thursday, a great friend of mine spoke to the FWH RISE® Community.

For those of you who don’t know what FWH RISE® is, it is our newly launched private Eagle-only “social network” where members of The Few empower, inspire, and support each other daily.

In this community, we have multiple speakers per month.

These speakers are INSANE! 7, 8, and 9-figure entrepreneurs, Navy Seals, pro athletes, authors, and more! 

The time spent on these live streams is life-changing.

Last week’s speaker was no different.

Nick Koumalatsos, Founder of Johnny Slicks blessed us with his time and brought the HEAT! 🔥

He is a strong veteran, leader, and entrepreneur.

But, his journey to becoming was riddled with doubt and adversity.

Fatherless and living out of a backpack with his mother, Nick never had a stable home life growing up. 

By the time he was 13, he already had already been rolling with gangs and was convicted of TWO FELONIES! (One for burglary and the other for having a weapon on school grounds... in case you were wondering.)

After getting denied from the Marine Corps. but eventually getting in, he broke his wrist on day 7, he tried to quit. 

But Nick stayed committed to himself and his comrades, eventually graduating at the top of his platoon and his entire class. He went on to serve our country for 12 years.

Life continued to test Nick through his twelve years of service and life after transition did not get any easier. 

After 6 years out of the country, his whole life fell apart. 

To hear the rest of his story and how he overcame all of this adversity, you’ll have to watch the replay of the call. — This is a member-only perk, so e-mail me back if you want the link! 😉 

Nick continued to pour into our community.  

He covered: 

  • The importance of doing the hard things first 
  • How waking up early (and not hitting the snooze button) sets rest of your day up for success
  • The power of perspective and choosing The Gain over The Gap.

Finally, Nick, myself, and the Community Members on the call connected on an even deeper level during the Q&A portion.

I am grateful to have had Nick spend his time with our FWH RISE® community and am already looking forward to our next two speakers in June! Michael Chernow on June 15th and Tim Kennedy on June 29th!

The FWH RISE® Community and its speakers have changed mine and Joey’s lives and the lives of our members.

In the words of founding member, Joe Brown, “It’s not just you vs. you. It’s a community vs. THE WORLD. FWH RISE® is worth the investment!”

Together we Rise. See what the hype is all about for yourself for just $9.99! (normally $29/mo.)

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