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Article: Don't Say "Thank You For Your Service"

Don't Say "Thank You For Your Service"

It’s Veterans Day, Eagle,

And I want to talk to you about something.

Yesterday and today, I’ve seen a lot of “Thank you for your service” posts.

Nothing against these posts—

But most Veterans I know don’t want to hear this canned statement anymore.

They don’t want us to just SAY thank you today—

They want us to LIVE our gratitude…

Every day.

Less words, more action.

More action for organizations that support Veterans’ long-term physical and mental health—

Like our non-profit partner, Consequence of Habit (COH). (You may recognize COH from our Habit Tee collaboration.)

Consequence of Habit is an absolute force for good in society and led by our friend and Veteran, JT Frank.

Read more about JT’s story and COH here.

If you are looking for a way to LIVE your gratitude today, please consider joining me in supporting COH with your time (read about COH above), talent (share a COH post on social), or treasure (donate to COH).

One more thing—

If you or your loved one is a Veteran, how do you suggest we live our gratitude and honor Veterans’ sacrifice and service, not just today, but every day?

Send us a DM @fewwillhunt on Instagram and share it with us.

Talk soon,


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