You and I talked about The Middle on Tuesday, and my inbox was overrun with replies from The Few who currently find themselves there. Believe it or not, there was a common thread running through ev...
Read moreWhen many start a new relationship, hobby, business, job, etc., they talk about two things on social media: The Beginning and The End. They talk about their excitement, support, and optimism in th...
Read moreThe dumbest thing you'll ever read
“This is by far the dumbest sh—t I’ve ever read”I squinted at my laptop to read this reply, a stoic expression on my face.Every so often, I send out a positive e-mail… and receive a negative one ba...
Read moreAs I pulled up to Few Will Hunt HQ, we locked eyes. What he held in his hand immediately signaled that I could NOT trust him. He stomped toward my Jeep, holding it by its tail as it swung violently...
Read more“Aren’t you cold??” I get asked this question at least once per day throughout the winter. Slightly above freezing, way below freezing, shoveling snow, ice storm… Whatever the winter weather, you...
Read moreIt was 25 degrees Fahrenheit outside as I walked my daughters to their swim lessons in Center City Philly. Naturally, I was wearing my FWH shorts. I’m a shorts-year-round type of guy. As we walked ...
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The rumors are true, and the cat’s out of the (Boogie) bag. We’ve teamed up with goodwerks to bring you our most highly anticipated release of the year: >>> The Trust Hard Work MKIII Boogi...
Read moreI heard the #1 thing I cannot stomach hearing from The Few yesterday. It kills me… a piece of me dies when something like this is said to me: “I’m not one of The Few yet, but I have lost 20 lbs.! ...
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