Your free ticket to BK LIVE 2024
It’s FWH Friday and I’ve got something special for you. I mentioned yesterday that I’ll be speaking at BK LIVE in Scottsdale, AZ on September 14th. Now I tried to find words to express how pumped ...
Read moreI turned another year older this weekend. When my eyes opened on the morning of my birthday, these two sentences thrust themselves into my mind: Hunters focus on hunting. Prey focus on hunters. I q...
Read moreAllow me to come clean. I’m sorry— Last Friday’s drop of our new No Compromise Tee and Crop didn’t go so well. There was a major issue with our website. ::Cough:: Shopify ::Cough:: Shopify banned t...
Read moreHey, Eagle. It’s been 5 days since July 4th, and most Americans’ freedom-loving selves have retired until next July… And that’s a disaster. Look, everybody is a freedom-loving American on July 4t...
Read moreWhen I was 12, I wrote my first line of code. That moment started my programming career, But it also started something BIGGER — It started my life as a process-driven thinker. Throughout my life ex...
Read moreI am VERY intentional about using the phrase “I can’t”… and it’s not because I read some woo-woo stuff about it in a book or (worse) on the internet. It’s because my Uncle taught me a very hard les...
Read moreHey— quick note to start your Memorial Day weekend. Please remember that it’s not just about the bbq and the beach. It’s about the bloodshed. Sounds intense? It is. Those who gave their lives in o...
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